Math Note
Nice AI Math Blog 导数、多元函数、梯度、链式法则及 BP 神经网络 各种熵及其在机器学习中的应用 拉格朗日乘子法与对偶问题 矩阵的基本概念 Nabla算子 Nabla算子…
Ai Env
jupyter extension(https://github.com/ipython-contrib/jupyter_contrib_nbextensions)pip install jupyter_nbextensions_configurator jupyter_contrib_nbextensionsjupyter contrib nbextension install --userjupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --userju...…
Pytorch Note
pytorch.data vs pytorch.detach()“However, .data can be unsafe in some cases. Any changes on x.data wouldn’t be tracked by autograd, and the computed gradients would be incorrect if x is needed in a backward pass. A safer alternative is to use x.de...…
Reinforcement Learning Note
Discounted Return0<= 𝞬 <=1the agent will only care about if immediate rewards if 𝞬 = 0the agent will care more about future rewards if 𝞬 is largeEpsilon-Greedy Policies0<= ε <=1the agent selects the greedy action with probability 1- ε ...…
Python Note
np.ravel_multi_indexnp.arange(a,b)[::-1]>>> np.arange(2,5)array([2, 3, 4])>>> np.arange(2,5)[::-1]array([4, 3, 2])>>> np.arange(2,5)[::1]array([2, 3, 4])np.prod>>> np.prod((2,3))6>>> np.prod((2,3,4))24&...…
how to download coursera ml programming exercise
1、打开jupyter notebook,点击file open 2、进入笔记本后,点击文件夹小图标进入根目录 3、新建download.ipynb文件 4、在download.ipynb中执行命令: !tar cvfz notebook.tar.gz * 4.1、解决软链接问题,采用以下命令: !tar -zcvphf a1.tar.gz * 5、执行完第4步后会在根目录生成一个notebook.tar.gz文件,选中并下载 ...…